About Us

Hey there, I'm Vee, and I own Aura Charms. I've been in the jewelry business for  11 years now. My first business is called Many Hats of Me, and I started it on Etsy.

Each gemstone in my store is hand-picked by me. I take my time to choose the best quality and most beautiful stones for my customers.

Every year, I make sure to visit Tucson to find the best gemstones. I also travel to Canada to find the finest Canadian Jade.

I also create unique pieces of jewelry by gold plating sterling silver jewelry.

Turning 50

I want to share with you some of my personal experiences.

I turned 50 recently and noticed some changes in my body. My skin has become dry and thin, and my joints aren't as flexible as they used to be. My healing process has also slowed down, and some injuries aren't healing at all, like my dislocated finger.

In fact, some injuries are not healing at all, like my dislocated finger. My doctor told me my finger will never heal 100% and I need to be careful lifting heavy items. Worse still are the mood swings and severe nausea from hormonal changes.

Alternative Ways to Heal Mind and Body

When I had to keep buying pain killers, I realized I needed to find alternative ways to manage my pain. I started researching chakra stones, essential oils, antioxidants, and anti-inflammatories.

The products I sell at Aura Charms reflect my exploration of holistic and alternative methods that can provide physical and mental healing and relief.

Thank you for joining me on this journey.